Renting gives people the flexibility and freedom to move to different areas and properties as their lifestyle requires. There are, however, some rules to follow. Knowing what is and isn’t possible can help narrow down the choice of rentals available.
In April’s market overview, we compare rental prices &void periods from Goodlord & Homelet data comparing Birmingham City Centre with the West Midlands and the national average along with a snapshot of the mortgage world…
Making a ‘house a home’ is a saying that applies to everyone, including tenants, but there is often confusion over what a renter can do to a property in terms of DIY and decorating. In this blog, we explain how a tenancy agreement will provide clarity, and we’ll suggest a number of ways to personalise a rental property without making permanent changes.
Life has got more expensive for the majority of us and a review of finances is frequently needed to ensure we’re balancing the books. This is especially true for landlords who, for the first time in many years, will find mortgage rates have doubled since they last looked at home loans.
May was the month when the Renter’s Reform Bill was introduced to Parliament. The Government has a deadline to keep as it wants the contents to become law before the next general election, which has to happen by 28thJanuary 2025.